Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Strawberry Spores

one morning on a pop can
there was a village of strawberry spores
one got away in a single drop of rain
it spun
and spun
and spun
like a spiders freshly spun web
bold red
bright red
it spun
perfectly round, was it real?
eyes focus
all you can do is cry when something is so beautiful
all of this on a pop can
in a village of juicy red strawberry spores

Monday, February 23, 2009

the gifts of the world.

The world created itself.
It was beautiful.
It desired to see itself and so it created life.
It gave life two gifts: 1. numbers 2. emotions.
After time, life got so caught up in looking at itself that it forgot to look at the beauty in the world.
Life continues to go on counting numbers and discover solutions (which will be there for eternity)
but it denies the emotions that they were once given to see the world (which is slowly disappearing before our eyes).


Today when you wake up try to be conscious of when you speak. The world moves so fast that we often feel the urge to speak at all times but really we should be listening. Listen to each word that someone utters to you- process it- think about if you are really there or if you are just waiting to hear yourself. It's time for the world to be a place for each other and not for ones-self. Love everyone you meet and listen to everything you can- let go of hearing yourself and just be.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mentha x piperita

it washes away my sins
mind weeps.

rain drops on my eyelids
the door wont open

i dont blame you
i should remember,
how to breathe

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

When Grandparents say things that make you light up.

old people in the sky
some of their stares make me wonder why

but their lips when they move

they speak words that sound like "coo"

and when i listen, truly listen

i know
that growing old doesn't deplete ones soul
it only makes it grow and grow

Bees rule the world
you laugh
when the bees are gone there is nothing left
you laugh again
the bees
the reason they are so important
they don't know they are
there are not just bees
they rule the world

you are scared
be scared
we do not rule the world

one day
some day
everything will be ours.
the moon, the stars

one day
everyone will know
that their energy is better used
on dirt roads and vinyl records

one day